Session: LinkedIn For Fundraising Strategy: Overlooked and Underused

With over half a billion users worldwide, LinkedIn has become of vital importance in the fundraising strategy market, yet it remains underutilised and not well understood. How can you optimise its use for your charity or nonprofit organisation? What options are available, and what are the dos and don’ts that have emerged over the years? Even the free version of LinkedIn holds tremendous strategic potential, especially in the fundraising sector.

Not being on LinkedIn is being Linked Out!

Eelco Keij (session two)

Eelco, both American and Dutch, has over 15 years of experience working in the international development sector, among others as a political lobbyist, fundraiser strategist, advocacy specialist and international speaker. After working for the United Nations, he become an independent fundraising consultant, providing training and support to hundreds of nonprofits worldwide in their strategic search for US foundation & corporation funding.

In 2015 he moved back to his native Netherlands where he started to work for the Radboud University of Nijmegen as the director of the Fundraising and Development Office, where he set up the university’s legacy giving program. As of 2018 he resides in New York and currently works for World Wildlife Fund in climate fundraising as Manager of Foundation Relations. He is an avid skier and founder & chair of the Foundation for the Dutch Abroad.

“What drives me is the ultimate human connection in fundraising – with the embedded creativity and often-unexpected encounters in the process. Fundraising is a dynamic profession: a good day for me consists of inspiring conversations, strategizing over new connections and helping others in reaching their fundraising goals.”